What Does Utah Workers Compensation Cover?

businessman in blue jacket giving form for compensation claim to worker with broken arm at table in officeWhen workers are injured or become ill on the job, they might qualify for workers’ compensation. This type of insurance is designed to provide a source of income to pay for treatment, bills, and other expenses related to workers being temporarily out. It’s important to know what all workers’ compensation covers for the residents of Utah.

Workers Comp Utah

Workers’ compensation is insurance that most businesses are required to purchase in Utah. The policy is purchased through the Utah state fund of workers, or you can choose to work with a private insurance provider.

However, a few types of ownership or corporate entities don’t need to purchase their insurance. They are usually an LLC, with the owner performing most of the business or a sole proprietorship.

What Does it Cover?

Workers’ compensation covers a few scenarios and necessities while an employee is out of work. Some things the workers comp Utah covers include the following:

There may also be other exceptions and instances where workers’ compensation applies. Get a worker compensation attorney Utah to help find out more. A Utah workers compensation attorney can help you get the fast results you need to get medical treatment and more when you are hurt or fall ill on the job.

A top worker compensation attorney Utah can provide insight and education regarding the process and walk you through every step of the process. To get started, reach out to Alta Legal today for a consultation and begin the journey towards providing for yourself if you’ve been out of work due to an incident at work.

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