What is considered “Unusual or Extraordinary”?

engineer with back pain injuryWhat is an “Unusual or Extraordinary” Exertion in regards to workers’ compensation?

While the phrase “unusual or extraordinary” is not defined in the Workers’ Compensation Act, the courts have interpreted the phrase to mean physical exertion that is beyond the employee’s normal job duties.

If you have been injured at work and believe that your injury was due to unusual or extraordinary exertion, you should contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your case.

What type of exertion is considered “Unusual or Extraordinary”

unusual or extraordinary










What type of injuries or results comes from it?

Injuries that can result from unusual or extraordinary exertion include:

-Musculoskeletal injuries

-Sprains and strains


-Carpal tunnel syndrome

-Herniated discs


How to prove your unusual or extraordinary exertion

An employee who is injured at work due to unusual or extraordinary exertion will need to prove that the injury was caused by an activity that is beyond the scope of their normal job duties.

The best way to do this is to have witnesses who can testify as to what happened and how the injury occurred.

The employee will also need to have medical documentation to support their claim.

If you have been injured at work and believe that your injury was due to unusual or extraordinary exertion, you should contact a worker compensation attorney in Utah to discuss your case.

How your attorney can help

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Alta Legal is a top-rated workers’ compensation law firm serving all of Utah. Our experienced worker’s comp lawyer in Utah can help you get the benefits you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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